Ryan Wisnesky Ryan Wisnesky

Curriculum Vitae

Ryan Wisnesky obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics and computer science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University, where he studied the design and implementation of provably correct software systems. While at IBM Research Almaden he contributed to the Clio, Orchid, and HIL projects. While a postdoctoral associate in the MIT department of mathematics, he developed the CQL query language for ontology manipulation based on category theory. He is currently exploring applications of CQL to safe AI as CTO of Conexus AI.

Current ActivitiesGremlin Morgoth

Conexus AI seeks to replace legacy government and enterprise software applications with more sophisticated, next-generation mathematical components built on Kan extensions using CQL. This project takes on the (Lord of the Rings) silmarils as mascot, because the silmarils "rejoice in light and give it back in hues more marvellous than before", reflecting that even in the darkness of the smallest data sets, Kan extensions "of their own radiance shine like the stars".

Previous Activities

I developed CQL first at Harvard and MIT and then at Conexus AI.
I developed next-generation functional query languages and explored their application to no-sql.

I've built certified systems software with Ynot, and started the Coq formalization of Hashgraph (later continued by Gregory Malecha and finished by Karl Krary).

I've developed programming languages for relational data integration.

I'm a former IBM Extreme Blue intern.

Unpublished reports from MIT.

Unpublished reports from Harvard.

Unpublished reports from Stanford.

I was a writer for the Stanford Review 2001-2005, the student-run newspaper founded in 1987 by Peter Thiel and Norman Book.
As stated by an editor in 2016, "the entire purpose of the Review is to publish unpopular views."